WHAM has been supporting the literary arts for many years at our Surprise, Arizona location. The Open Mic Night, now in its seventh year, continues to be held at the Gallery Location. From the request of the participants the Open Mic is now held every month, the third Friday of the month at a new time, 6:30 p.m. Poetry, storytellers, joke tellers and singers are all welcome to join this lively and friendly group.
The programs are opened to members of the community and a schedule of events is always available on this website under each appropriate program heading.
The Literary Arts Program also has the very popular Oral History program that features
compelling stories from young and old. The City of Peoria was the first city to be feature and the City Surprise is the next West Valley City to be featured. Vicki Hunt is the producer of this expansive program. City of Peoria featured. The city of to this growing venue. The histories of surrounding cities will be added as they are completed.
The newest literary program added at WHAM is the WVYPL (West Valley Youth Poet
Laureate). This program will involve the Maricopa County West Valley metropolitan area and will give opportunities and encouragement to all youth poets. WHAM is looking forward to working with all of these young poets.